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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s mToken?

How to contract internet banking and activate mToken?

What about mToken in case of a loss, theft or change of a mobile device?

What is eCash?

Who can use eCash service?

Can the current accounts' authorized representative use the accepted overdraft for the POBArate limit?

How can I check the amount of POBArate limit that I have left to use?

When is the fee charged for the transfer of funds via digital channels with repayment in installments (eCash service) and how much is it?

What is required to open a current account?

What is required to open a giro account?

How can I arrange an overdraft on a current account and/or POBArate?

What if I want a higher amount of overdraft on my current account and/or PORArate?

What amount of overdraft can I ask for?

Can I have a contracted overdraft and POBArate?

What is SEPA?

Deadlines for execution of orders within Croatia?

What is the difference between a standing order and a direct debit?

To what maximum amount is the POBArate service approved?

Does my available amount increase after each regular payment?

With which cards can I use the POBArate service?

How can I check the amount of the approved limit for installments and the remaining limit available for use?

How does the POBArate service work on ATM (POBAcash)?

When is the fee charged for withdrawing cash from an ATM with repayment in installments and how much is it?

How can the option of dividing the transaction into installments be used as a part of the POBArate (POBAshop) service?

Can I split my Mastercard credit card purchase transactions into installments?

What are the benefits of a contactless payment?

Is the contactless payment method safe?

Can I use my contactless card at a point of sale - a POS terminal, that does not support contactless payment?

What is the 3D Secure service?

How to use the 3D service?

Is there any charge for activation and use of 3D services?

How are the cards activated?

In what way is it possible to contract savings?

What is "Aktiviraj sitniš"?

How is the tax on savings interest paid?

Are savings in Podravska banka safe?

Is there a temporary power of attorney and in what way can the authorized person dispose of funds in case of temporary termination?

Can fixed-term funds be deferred early, and how much does the Bank charge for doing so?

What is the difference between a time deposit and a demand deposit?

Can I pay bills from my savings on demand or make a payment to another person's account?

Is the interest tax payable on demand savings?

In what way is it possible to contract Children's Savings (Mravac)?

Is it possible to transfer funds of a minor to another account of the same minor without a decision of the competent court?

What is a custodial account for?

How can I place a broker order?

How to activate POBA eBroker?

Which stocks can I trade through POBA brokers (in person, by phone and email)?

What is a margin loan?

How can I contact POBA brokers?

How can I open a brokerage account?

How can I open a custodial account?

What types of investment funds are there?

What does the riskiness of the fund mean?

Is tax paid on returns from the investment funds?

How is the operation of investment funds regulated?

What is the fund's investment strategy?

What is the goal of the investment?

What are the main investment risks?

What are the investment costs?

Who manages the investment funds offered by Podravska banka?

How can I buy shares in the fund?

How can I sell my shares in the fund?

What is a share?

When is the share price/value calculated?

At what price are the shares calculated?

Where can I find out the price/value of the share?

Is the management fee and the deposit bank fee included in the share price?

What is the fastest way to buy/sell shares?

Is it possible to transfer funds from one Generali Investment fund to another and what are the fees?

When are the funds disbursed after submission of the Disbursement Request?

What are the fees for investing in the fund?

How is the input fee calculated, and how is the exit fee to the Fund calculated if I have several payments in different time periods?

Do I have to pay a management fee after selling the shares?

How can I check the status and value of my shares?

Why invest in funds?

Which fund to choose?

Where can I find Prospectuses and Fund Rules?

What if the funds fail?

To which address can I send my application and CV?